Incorporating Gene Expression in Genome-wide Prediction of Chromatin Accessibility via Deep Learning

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Regulatory elements (REs) in human genome are major sites of non-coding transcription which lack adequate interpretation. Although computational approaches have been complementing high-throughput biological experiments towards the annotation of the human genome, it remains a big challenge to systematically and accurately characterize REs in the context of a specific cell type. To address this problem, we proposed DeepCAGE, an deep learning framework that incorporates transcriptome profile of human transcription factors (TFs) for accurately predicting the activities of cell type-specific REs. Our approach automatically learns the regulatory code of input DNA sequence incorporated with cell type-specific TFs expression. In a series of systematic comparison with existing methods, we show the superior performance of our model in not only the classification of accessible regions, but also the regression of DNase-seq signals. A typical scenario of usage for our method is to predict the activities of REs in novel cell types, especially where the chromatin accessibility data is not available. To sum up, our study provides a fascinating insight into disclosing complex regulatory mechanism by integrating transcriptome profile of human TFs.